Post date: 2013, 5 November
ROMED2 a été lance en Grèce lors d'un évenement qui a eu lieu à Athènes entre le 23 et le 25 Octobre, avec la présence du Ministre Adjoint de l'Intérieur, Mr Leonidas Grigorakos ainsi que des représentants des municipalités d'Iraklion, Ilion, Ilida, Komotini, Mesologi et Thessaloniki. La réunion a été présidée par Mme Louisq Kyriakaki, experte dans les questions relatives aux...
Post date: 2013, 5 November
ROMED2 was launched in Greece at an event that took place in Athens between the 23rd and 25th October, with the attendance of the Greek Deputy Minister of Interior, Mr Leonidas Grigorakos and of the representatives of the municipalities of Iraklion, Ilion, Ilida, Komotini, Mesologi and Thessaloniki. The meeting was chaired by Ms Louisa Kyriakaki, expert on Roma issue and member of the Ad-hoc Committee of experts on Roma issues of the Council of Europe (CAHROM – link to article on the 6th...
Post date: 2013, 25 October
The Council of Europe is looking for trainers for the ROMED2 Programme, the launching of which is now in progress. The present call concerns applications from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Ukraine. We seek proactive, creative and well-competent trainers with a solid practical understanding and experience of working with Roma communities from the countries mentionned...
Post date: 2013, 15 October
The new ROMACT and ROMED2 Programmes were launched in Hungary on Friday 4 October at a national conference attended by over 100 national and international players. Laszlό Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Zoltàn Kovàcs, Hungarian Secretary of State for Social Inclusion, and Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe welcomed and underlined the importance of these new activities. The...
Post date: 2013, 14 October
On the 30th of October 2013 the second phase of ROMED focusing on Roma participation in democratic governance through mediation kicked off with the very first launching event in Ohrid, “the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia”, where six municipalities were selected for implementation: Tetovo, Vinica, Bitola, Prilep, Gostivar and Stip. Representatives of the municipalities, the ROMED 2 National Project Officer SONCE, and 2 to 3 mediators for each municipalities attended the...
Post date: 2013, 11 October
After two years of implementation in 22 countries and over 1000 mediators trained, the ROMED2 Programme is about to be launched. The new approach in ROMED2 is about building up the capacity of Roma communities to participate in democratic governance through mediation. The countries of implementation for this new phase of ROMED are Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and “the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia”. In five of...


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