Post date: 2014, 20 May
via the European Commission website The European Commission conference will focus on the role of social policy innovation and social investment in implementing structural reforms at country level. The conference is structured around four thematic sessions: - Social policy reforms: the role of social policy innovation, social investments and knowledge-sharing - Social policy innovation: using the potential of ESI Funds - Partnerships for innovation in social policies - Evidence-based...
Post date: 2014, 19 May
via Open Society Foundations "The Project Generation Model Piloted by the Open Society Foundations National governments in Europe can greatly enhance the implementation of their National Roma Integration Strategies and social inclusion more broadly. One proven way of doing this is by providing assistance to local authorities and organizations to access and implement projects financed by European Structural and Investment Funds. The Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma Program of the Open...
Post date: 2014, 13 May
Le 14 Mai 2014, la 7ème réunion du Comité ad hoc d’experts sur les questions roms (CAHROM) débutera à Strasbourg, où plus de 80 experts nationaux et représentants des différents organes du Conseil de l'Europe, des institutions de l'Union européenne et des organisations internationales ont confirmé leur participation. Les points de discussion de cette rencontre qui s'étendra sur trois jours porteront...
Post date: 2014, 13 May
On 14 May 2014 the 7th Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts on Roma Issues (CAHROM) will start in Strasbourg, where over 80 national experts and representatives of different CoE bodies, EU Institutions and International Organisations confirmed attendance. The highlights of these three-day meeting will concern recent developments at international level, Roma women, including early marriages, Roma youth, Roma children and education , and migration, among others. Discussions on the latest...
Post date: 2014, 12 May
 via the Bulgarian National Support Team On the 28th of April in Byala Slatina a meeting took place between the Community Action Group (CAG) and the Mayor of the municipality – eng. Ivo Tzvetkov. During the meeting the problems of the Roma community identified by the CAG were presented, along with proposals for initiatives to solve these issues, the question of the participation of the Community Action Group in the newly established Municipal Council on Ethnic and Integration Issues...
Zon Weisz during the 3rd Roma Summit © European Commission
Post date: 2014, 11 April
Le 4 avril passé, la Commission européenne a organisé le 3ème Sommet des Roms à Bruxelles - la première réunion de haut niveau sur le sujet depuis la création du Cadre éuropéen pour les stratégies nationales d'intégration des Roms, en 2011. Les différents groupes de discussions étaient consitutées de représentants de haut niveau, y compris le président de la Commission...
Zoni Weisz at the 3r Roma Summit © European Commission
Post date: 2014, 11 April
On 4th of April, the European Commission organised the 3rd Roma Summit in Brussels – the first high profile meeting since the creation of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies in 2011. The panels included high-level representatives, including EC President Barrosso, Vice-President Reding, and Commissioners Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion), Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth), Borg (Health and Consumer Policy), as well as heads of...
Post date: 2014, 31 March
Le Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique de l’Education Nationale française vient de publier la révue « Diversité », un premier numéro 2014 qui couvre le sujet de la médiation dans de divers contextes et son importance dans l’application des politiques sociales. L’article intitulé « Les défis de la médiation scolaire auprès des familles roms » apparait en...
Post date: 2014, 31 March
The National Pedagogical Documentation Center (CNDP) of the French National Educational system just published its magazine “Diversité”, a first 2014 issue that deals with mediation in various contexts and its importance in the application of social policies. The article entitled “The challenges in school mediation for Roma families” appearing in page 76 (French only), was co-written by Aurora Ailincai – coordinator of the ROMED and ROMACT Programmes, and...
Post date: 2014, 20 March
Report from Zemfira Kondur – National Focal Point for ROMED in Ukraine. Following the invitation of the Odessa Regional Administration on the 14 and 16 March 2014, the ROMED training for Roma mediators and social workers took place in Odessa, Ukraine. 23 Roma mediators and social workers from Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporozhie, Transcarpathia , Kiev and Odessa participated in the three-days training. The main aim of the training was to improve the skills of mediators in the social sphere, and...


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